My friend's daughter also has a blog and my friend sent me her latest entry. It's about being grateful. Two weeks ago, the girl had spinal fusion surgery to correct scoliosis, terrifying enough but made moreso by a heart condition she's had since birth. She is doing well. And despite the routine trips to the heart doctors (and now, spine doctors) she's put up with all her life and other limitations that've been handed to her, she feels grateful. When her mother asked her if, given all her challenges, she felt that life had treated her unfairly, the girl made a face and said, "Why would I think that?"
My friend said, "Oh, I don't know, it was just a conversation starter!" It hadn't even occurred to the girl to be upset about everything she's had to overcome. When she found out her surgery had to be moved up and she'd be unable to participate in sports this year, she cried, as you'd expect any 14-year-old to do. Then she got over it with a quickness I don't see in most 30+-year-olds I know. Myself included.
Her blog talked about how she lived in America and had a roof over her head and water "purified 10 times over" to drink and how, if she lived in Africa, she'd likely be dead or crippled for life. And it was all genuine, she didn't do it to impress or kiss up to anyone.
Makes ya think, doesn't it?
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