Sunday, September 14, 2008


There hasn't been much going on around here, except work. I found out most all of the people I know survived Gustav – now I'm just worried about another person I know who was in the path of Ike! He's a firefighter with the Seabrook, Tx., fire department (maybe you heard "Seabrook" mentioned on TV) so it's not like he can just evacuate never to return!! The e-mail he sent out said "last transmission" which is kind of creepy. However I got another one later that said he was evacuating to higher ground. Well, GOOD! At least I know one thing from all the hurricanes I covered – the first responders WILL be taken care of!

The other big news is, my apartment is officially clean. Last weekend I cleaned out my file cabinets, the last "untouched" area of my apartment. I'd been carrying stuff around in those from three states, Illinois, NC and Georgia!! Like, even old utility bills and my lease from my apartment in grad school. That would have been the best apartment, too, if not for the roaches and the family of beetles that turned out to living in my Goodwill couch!

Oh and I have other good news from the depths of my file cabinets. I'd assumed my master's thesis was gone forever, since it was on a disk that I'm pretty sure is so old it can never be opened again. But, for reasons I have no memory of, I apparently made like, 18 copies of it, ALL of which I found in the file cabinet, along with a draft copy and my notes! So if anyone would like a copy of it, I can probably hook you up!

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